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International Photo Contest

Theme: wellness and healthy lifestyle

The winners:

  • Healthy Selfie

The magic circle

Author: Lidia Borella

from Romano di Lombardia (BG) (Italy)

  • Healthy frame

Keep fit
Author: Roberto Carlon

from Cittadella (PD) (Italy)

Competition notice

What is healthy  and does it create wellness?

Think over and be active: Take your camera (or smartphone) and promote the heathy  lifestyle!

Challenge yourself to take your best ‘wellness and healthy lifestyle’ shots! Participate now to inspire us and raise social awareness and win our prize!


How to partecipate?

You can partecipate with one photo only. The photography must belong to one of the following categories:


  • “Healthy selfies” i.e.  a selfie where the author is making an healthy activity or he is shooted with some objects that can represent healthy lifestyle and wellness


  • “Healthy frames” i.e. a picture to something or somebody doing healthy activities



Send the photo via e-mail at the following address:


In the e-mail body write:

  1. title and category of your photo (Healthy selfie / Healthy frame)

  2. Your name and surname· Your date of birth· Your home Country and complete address


As soos as they will be received, the photos will be pubblished on this web-site.



Submissions: 15th April—15th May 2016


Winners announced: 20th May 2016 through a pubblication on the website: and e-mail notification



1 participant per category will win; they will receive 50 postcards of their winning photo and their photos will be pubblished on the homepage of the project and in a pubblication (Your name and photo will be showcased to thousands on our Facebook and Twitter pages!).



Dott. Davide Di Pasquale, President of Associazione Uniamoci Onlus (Italy)

Regina Gruse, Press and Media Representative of Diakonie Bremen (Gernmany)


Copyright policy

Participants must be the sole owners of the copyright of the photographs and be responsible totally there areno third party rights in the works presented, as well asany claim for image rights.For the photographs submitted to the contest, the organizers reserve the right to make copies required for exhibitions, screenings and publications, as well as inclusion on the competition website, providing by the author's non-exclusive rights to publish them for the only purpose of promotion and diffusion of this Contest, indicating always the author's name. The competition organizers may also use those photographs to promote competition in other media and social networks.


What are you waiting for?


Send us your Healthy selfie or your

healthy frame!


Contact Us:

Tel: 0039 0919765893


Tel: 0049 421163840


Location​​​​​​: via Emiro Giarfar 36
90124 Palermo (ITALY)


Location​​​​​​: Contrescarpe 101

28195 Bremen (GERMANY)


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