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Local activities in Bremen - Germany


Activities implemented by the German group of participants at a local level

Drums are Alive at Bremen

The innovative sport Drums Alive® combines drumming on big gymanstic ballons with a lot of work-out for fingers, hands, feet and all parts of the body. As our contribution to Social Inclusion Health initaitve we started the training in this new kind of exercise at Friedehorst Foundation Therapeutikum rooms. We'll look with our diverse young people for the vast potential of this sport to create inclusive events.Here are some pictures from the training kick-off where you meet trainer Sylvia Petrovic and our team. Some events for the promotion ofsport where realized using this activity, hava a look at this video:

Health- and Inclusion-related seminars

The participants organized some Health- and Inclusion-related seminars or young volunteers at Diakonie Bremen with several gymnastic, climbing, peer education and healthy eating activities!

Health and Inclusion need Easy Language!

Health and Inclusion need Easy Language! Everyone who wants to talk about healthy living, sport and good nourishment must be able to make him- or herself understood. Therefore, as part of the Social Inclusion Health intiative, Diakonie Bremen arranged a Trainers' Training to introduce the concept of Easy Language useful in communication with persons with mental and learning impairments as with any other set of people not used to complicated language structures. And one must not fall into childrens language structures! Under guidance from the ´"Büro für Leichte Sprache" run by the charitiy Organisation Lebenshilfe Bremen, this one-day training was done with great success at Friedehorst Foundation.


The group participated in the traditional Cardboard Boat Race on the Bremen river Lesum. With their pirate duck boat "Hein Fiedi" they made the first place :-) in the combined classification of speed and creativity of the boat. Congratulations!

Download the results of the on-line survey about food and sport habits in Germany

Download the results of the off-line survey about food and sport habits in Germany

Drums alive
Drums alive
Healthy food
healthy food meeting
meeting about easy language
preparing healthy food
preparing healthy food
healthy food
Contact Us:

Tel: 0039 0919765893


Tel: 0049 421163840


Location​​​​​​: via Emiro Giarfar 36
90124 Palermo (ITALY)


Location​​​​​​: Contrescarpe 101

28195 Bremen (GERMANY)


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